Top Crop Manager

News Agronomy Harvesting Seeding/Planting
Managing unharvested crops in the springtime

April 9, 2020  By Top Crop Manager

Many growers in Western Canada are dealing with some of 2019’s crops still sitting in the fields while planning for spring 2020 planting. Methods of managing last year’s unharvested crops depends on a variety of factors, so management needs to be tailored to the unique situation on each farm.

Focusing on maximizing value while protecting this year’s investment are top priorities. It’s a complex decision that will vary from farm to farm, and field to field. The Manitoba Wheat and Barley Growers Association (MWBGA) has created a list of considerations and table of possible crop management tools to assist farmers in deciding how (and whether) to manage last year’s unharvested crops. For those faced with these tough decisions, the MWBGA resource asks the difficult questions and provides valuable guidance on how to move forward. |READ MORE




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